DANBODD in Thisted is looking for a Sales and Administrative Assistant


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

About you

You have at least a bachelor degree (preferably in Business, but could also be another major like Psychology or Communication, Marketing or similar – related to human purchasing decision-making).

You have a CVR number or are willing to register one.

You speak fluent Danish and English language.

About the position

This is mostly for someone who is looking for some extra income and doesn’t mind having a CVR company registered and to operate as a one-man business. You will have to learn to do your own taxes and reporting and issue an invoice to DANBODD once a month in order to receive your payment.

This is a remote role and you don’t need to attend office every day. Some travel to clients may be required but it is mostly calls and emails (desktop work).

The first step would be to use public registry files such as virk.dk to create a national log of all companies that operate in the field of renewable energy, SolarPV and general construction. We intend to use a simple and effective approach - create a comprehensive database of several thousand entries and then meticulously explore each one of them - this will allow us to discover new clients and tailor our approach to each one of them building a relationship that lasts over time.

The job will also consist of some administrative support work for other renewable energy projects that we operate for several foreign clients in Denmark. Our company is very small and hopefully with your assistance we can afford to grow and turn this into a full-time role.

The level of monthly compensation will be discussed and will be influenced by the extent of your enthusiasm for the renewable energy industry and ability to deliver well-rounded and detailed work on time. Experience in communication with senior managers and purchasing decision-makers is an advantage, not a requirement. We provide great freedom and trust - you decide when and how to work, we only define direction and deadlines and let you go wild.

About the company and customers

Our main task is to deliver Solar Photovoltaic modules (SolarPV) to the Nordic market starting with Denmark, enabling the Buyers to build their SolarPV installations:

- on time

- within budget, and with

- top quality

Our clients are in two main segments:

- Large-scale (usually more than 5MWp per single purchase)

- Small-scale (usually less than 5MWp per single purchase - most often 500 to 1000 kWp per single purchase) 

Large-scale customers are companies that are building SolarPV power plants for commercial generation and sale of electricity (usually 50MWp or larger power plants). Good potential customers could be companies like European Energy, Better Energy, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), TOWII and similar. 

Small-scale customers are residential system installers or small rooftop systems installers, which buy 2 or 3 MWp per per year.

Geography: Sometimes our customers buy PV modules for projects located in Latin America, Africa or other countries. The location of the project is not our concern, what is more important is that the company is Danish, and the purchasing decision is made in Denmark. Other Nordic countries are also of interest, although the focus is on Denmark

We sell only Tier1 PV modules. This means PV modules that are first-class quality recognized by banks and utilized by investors who later (often) want to sell the completed power plants at a good price.

Ready to apply?

Send your CV and application to Owner Bozhidar Draganov at bd@danbodd.dk or contact Bozhidar at 31665098, if you have any questions.

Last day for applications is July 31.

We look forward to hear from you.



- Arbejdspladsen ligger i:

Thisted Kommune

-Virksomheden tilbyder:


DANBODD, I. P. Jacobsens Gade, 7700 Thisted


Ansøgningsfrist: 31-07-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Via e-mail: bd@danbodd.dk

Telefonisk: 31665098

Se mere her: https://job.jobnet.dk/CV/FindWork/Details/5858080

Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet